
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Reversal of fortune in parenting role

Yesterday I commented about personal responsibility and how it affects others and it got me thinking about my roles as a daughter and a mother (just to name 2). As a daughter my role has been gifted to me by my God; it is THE first gift I received and with that gift comes responsibility. My role as a mother comes with different responsibilities because it was my choice to be a mother, with God as the intercessory (and some sperm) making it possible.

My role as a daughter had me totally reliant on my mother or father to care for my every need and gradually that reliance became less and less as I grew up. It was the exact opposite in my role as a parent, being the caretaker for my child, and as he has grown my care for him has become less and less.

As I look back and forward at both of these roles, the responsibilities interchange but rarely overlap. As a parent of a now 32 year old it is my responsibility to know when to step in when I’m needed and to wait and offer my opinion on something in his life. I must know that he will do it his way and by not doing it ‘my way’ it is OK. His life is not about me any longer but about creating a life for himself. At this point I am a mere spectator in his life, basically watching from the sideline. While I’ll always be his mother I feel we are best of friends and we have achieved that by being respectful of and to each other as adults.

As the daughter of an 82 year old mother who, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 2001, my role has morphed into that of a mother or basically her caretaker. Over the years I have watched a very strong and independent woman become more and more child like. I have often joked that Mary is the daughter I never gave birth to. She is basically a 5 year old little girl and needs daily care for her meals, personal care and homecare. If left to her own resources, she would not have the ability to eat, bathe or tidy her house on her own. But the effect this disease has on her mental facilities is heartbreaking because she is emotionally a child as well. Everyday she calls me mother because she recognizes me in the role as a mother and every day I tell her how much I love her and and give her a hug before I venture home.

And so the circle of life continues, and if the Lord wills it, I will age and mine and my son’s roles will reverse as well.

In these blogs I will be incorporating scripture that is reflective of my thought and today it is Exodus 20: vs. 12 Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the LORD your God gives you.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My very first OFFICIAL blog

So who knows where this is going to lead to but here I go - it reminds me of when I was a kid and standing at the side of the 16th street pool and planning on jumping into the FREEZING cold water.......hesitate......hesitate...........JUMP!

Since I have embraced the world of Facebook I always have new 'Status' running through my head and then I think WHO CARES, other than you. But I think people do care and want to share it, but FB is not necessarily the place to share all your issues on, so hence the blog. It can serve several purposes, one to get it off my chest and mind to make me feel better & #2 to let others do the same.

I have often described myself as 'particular' because I like things done a particular way; so when someone does it differently, my head twists & turns like my Prety Pug's doorknob shaped head and I have to learn to accept that their version is OK even if it isn't my version, which of course is right.

I have a tremendous amount of pet peeves, particularly when it comes to people's behavior and how their self-absorbed, head up-their-ass attitude affects me and other innocents around them.

Here are a few instances just on my commute into the big city today: Tailgaters, PISS ME OFF! If you are in a hurry, either leave on time or go around me, and when you go around me you better not lean over and glare into my car window to see if I am from outter EFFING space.

Then, while standing on the HBLRT (that would be the Hudson Bergen Light Rail Train for those of you not familiar) I was losing my balance because of where I was forced to stand on the train and started to fall backwards while still holding onto the bar. I bent so far back and off to the side, I was seconds from hitting the floor, why? Because everyone moved out of my way. Wouldn't you think that someone would have helped me, or braced me? Nope! Effing A-holes I thought.

WHICH was quickly followed up by a young lady loudly announcing that there was a bug on the floor and she did a side-step. I thought Mr. Black-Wingtips was going to stomp on it, only to kick it ONTO me and into my flip-flop. HEY, THANKS A LOT, WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST KILL THE DAMN BUG!!!!!!!!

After that, life is a joy.