
Friday, September 10, 2010

....and friends that go....

To tell you that my heart is broken is an absolute understatement. How do you know a person for almost 50 years and find out a week after they died, that they died. This wasn't an occasional acquaintance, but a life long friend. I have been so angry and sad and they intertwine like a bad dream and all I want to do is to make some sense of it all, but it just never comes.

Jane was diagnosed back in June of 2008 with cancer in her lung. It seemed easy enough, cancer, cut it out, chemo, radiation & get on the mend! Hmmmmmm, at least it seemed simple enough. I remember I was at Sue's mother Jeanette's wake and I saw Jane, but didn't recognize her, and she realized that and recognized me first. Where the fuck is your hair, was my first thought? Jane in her humility, told me to be calm and be comfortable with her hair, or lack thereof.

But let me back up a bit. I've known Jane Lynk for as along as my memory serves me. I think we knew each other about 5 or so and went onward from there. In the 6th grade Jane moved to 110 Hoyt Avenue, Staten Island, which may have read California or Wisconsin. But Jane rode the bus from SI to Bayonne everyday to attend school at St. Mary's. Her first boyfriend was Tommy Kane and she had a wicked bad perm one year and got the shit kicked out of her by Denise Rogers. One time we were all bad and while Carol Rogers was hit by Harry's Beer truck, Jane and I hid behind Kenny's chair in his room cause we were petrified to come out.

My dearest friend, I already miss you and want to come over to you and hug you until I cannot hug you any longer. I cannot imagine mylife without you in it. While we may not have seen each other often, I know that you are my guide and my rock. My dearest friend, I love you and miss you and will do so, always.


  1. Mobo,

    It is difficult not having closure because closure brings some relief to a bad situation. May the good Lord bring him healing and comfort. God bless.

  2. Don't Blame yourself ... you didn't know but the question should be, WHY didn't anyone get in contact with you to tell you? Prayers for her.

